The Image That Never Existed

Hey everyone, have you heard of the popular internet rumor going around lately? It's called "The Image That Never Existed" and it is getting INSANE popularity on websites like Twitter, 4Chan, and Instagram. Many people claim to see it, but what they see is varied. Some see an angel, some see a demon, and countless internet trolls have claimed see Shrek without pupils. Other times, people see nothing at all. Theories pop up like wildfire as to how it works. Scientists claim that it is just a white box and nothing more. But the believers say that it truly has mysterious powers. No one will truly figure out the secret behind the image.
So, I've included it for you to see for yourself. What do you see? Let me know in a comment down below. I'm really curious as to what other people see in this image. I am one of those people that see nothing, even when I stare at it for hours on end. I would really like to know your theories on how this works. That's all for now. Bye.